Pathpilot downgrade required for ZA6/Mill integration?

I’m trying to get my ZA6 integrated with my existing PCNC 1100 S3. Currently I’m running PathPilot 2.10.1 on the mill. According to this support web page, communication with the mill requires running the provided v2.7.1-robot-communication-DEV-1.tgp update.

Doing so worked in the sense that I can now communicate between robot and mill … but it also downgraded path pilot to 2.7. Unfortunately I need v2.10.1 for its support of a portrait-oriented screen.

Can I have both?

@futnuh ,

Any PathPilot release after 2.9 will support robot-mill communication. You can to go back to 2.10.1.
Make sure to enable robot-mill communication on the settings tab:


Thank you for pointing out a flaw in our documentation. We’ll get that fixed up shortly.

Thank you. I can’t believe I didn’t see this. I got so focused on applying a patch.