UI: Conv Move Joint Waypoints Radio

Joint Waypoints versus Pose Waypoints

Waypoints are defined either as joint configuration (as list of joint angles), or as a robot pose (Cartesian coordinates XYZ and orientation in Euler angles ABC). Robot poses furthermore relate to an offset from the world origin, usually located at the robot base. If no offset is active or specified with the waypoint, reference to the world origin is assumed.

Joint waypoints:

  • Store the robot’s individual joint angles at the time they are created.
  • Are deterministic - the robot will always assume the same physical pose when moved to a ‘joint’-type waypoint.
  • Moves to joint waypoints not altered by user frames or tool frames.
  • Are like G53 (machine) coordinates in CNC machines.
  • Are preferred for most taught robot moves.

Pose waypoints:

  • Store the robot’s position as XYZABC coordinates.
  • Are not deterministic - a pose waypoint type may have multiple different joint orientations that satisfy the same tool control point position.
  • Moves to cartesian waypoints may change when the user frame or tool frame is changed.
  • Are similar to the way most CNC machines are programmed.
  • Are required when generating robot programs from a CAD/CAM software package (like SprutCAM or Fusion 360).

It’s important to note that global/program waypoint types are independent of joint/pose waypoint types. Both joint and pose waypoints may be either global or local to a program.

This topic can be used for the discussion of Conv Move Joint Waypoints Radio element in PathPilot. Is it doing what you expect? Would it be better if it worked differently? Let us know here!