Toddler toys

Hi Folks,

I thought I’d share some of the toys I made for the toddlers in my family this holiday season. They were made on a PCNC 1100 Series 2. They were cut using a 1/4" down cutting end mill. The finish is food safe wood oil, and they have a combination of Redwood, Walnut, Apple, Cherry, Alder, Oak, and one other wood that I’m not certain about. No adhesives or metal fasteners were used for the final assembly.


P.S. I’m happy to share CAD files with anyone that wants them.


Thanks for posting this! I, for one, am very partial to these kinds of wood projects. Looks great, and I look forward to seeing future projects!

Gorgeous work! Thanks for sharing.

@Know_Sailing If you upload the CAD files to this thread I’d likely use them over the holidays. I’ve got a cousin with two little kids that I’d love to make these toys for.


Would love the CAD files. Can you share them?

Hi @Mike_Kinney, @Rogge,

Happy new year to everyone! I’m back at my computer after a little family time…fun watching the kids play with their new toys.

The CAD files for the elephant body, heli body, and heli skids are attached. The rest of the parts (wheels, axles and rotor) weren’t modeled in CAD, they are straight forward parts. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any issues with the CAD files.

And, if you are really interested…the sawmill for reducing the trees to workable wood was made on the Tormach 1100 as well…36" bar with a 72cc powerhead. The trees were all storm damaged trees originally destined for firewood.

skid - Copy.stl (59.7 KB)
heli_body_2 - Copy.stl (78.8 KB)
elephant_body - Copy.stl (443.0 KB)

Nice hillbilly saw mill! If I can get my brother excited about that then I might have a couple dozen questions (-:

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