Setting X-Zero on the 8L for Drilling


The method we’re using (co-axial indicator chucked in the drill chuck tool holder) is OK, but…please tell me y’all have a quicker, easier way to do it. How do I save the bore center to re-use later? The center is the center, right? Or, should I be trusting this machine to hold onto that for me? Any ideas are appreciated. We have some projects upcoming that will have a LOT of drilling involved.


Jason Rye

That is exactly how it is done in the world of work in industrial machines. Running an indicator down the length of the drill in Z and using the hold down Allen head set screws to get it as straight as possible is always recommended. You can write down the X value after the center is found. That value is only good until the block is moved or the machine is crashed.

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For what it’s worth, if you reference the machine, then set the x and z work offset with a known tool, then you can set up the drill bit in a tool holder and have pathpilot manage the tool offsets like any other tool. I don’t have a quicker idea for finding the center than the coaxial indicator, however.

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Setting the centerline as X zero and the tip as Z zero was a given I thought. I was advising him to write the X value of the center of each pocket down to expedite setting up a drill in the pocket after it is used with a different type of tool. I simply did not make my point clear. My bad.

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Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense

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