Redraw g-code preview

We run programs with branching and conditional subroutines and are looking for a way to force a redraw of the g-code preview. Currently the preview is drawn based on the default conditions and does not update as these conditions change. We haven’t seen anything in the PathPilot or LinuxCNC documentation that suggests a way to trigger a redraw at the macro or g-code level.

I would suspect that this is generally avoided due to the computational overhead to run the lookahead potentially being a problem during motion, but in most of our cases these updates would be after probing, so having this happen when motion is stopped, or even stopping motion during the update wouldn’t be an issue.

Any information on possible options or if this is something that would require either a feature request or us creating a modified PathPilot build would be appreciated.


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Hi Michael,

We ran into this ourselves at IMTS this week and opened a bug internally. Thanks for giving us another data point!

Tom Z

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Would this apply to the canned serial number incremental functions as well? Always feels like I’m rolling the dice when I put the next part in the fixture to engrave and the screen still shows the number I started the batch on in the preview window.