Pathpilot controller won't boot up

Has anyone else here had an issue with a controller that wouldn’t boot up? This is the second time this has happened to me and it’s getting frustrating. The first time I unplugged the 12volt supply from the controller and plugged it back in and it booted up, so naturally I assumed that the issue was just a bad connection. Well here I am a couple of weeks later and now I have a controller that won’t boot up no matter what I do. My 8L lathe is only a few months old, so luckily it is still under warranty but I wanted to come here to the forum to see if anyone else has had this issue and if there is something that I don’t know that would fix my problem. When I turn it on it doesn’t even light up the screen at all. I am getting 12 volts to it, and it does make an audible beep every few seconds. Also there’s a green led at the Ethernet port that flashes also. Not sure how relevant any of this is, but it may mean something to someone smarter than me about this controller. Thanks guys!!!

@LARRY_PHILLIPS This one I may consider reaching out to technical support on. Jira Service Management

Do you have an operator console, or a mini pc controller?

Depending on the sequence of beeping, it could be the motherboard beeping a trouble code, or there truly is an intermittent power connection, causing the start up beep.

Well, for sure it must have been some sort of code it was beeping out because it was a very rhythmic beeping…not random or intermittent. But, as I was looking for the information to start a service request, after about 5 minutes of various beeps and such, the screen finally lit up and the controller booted up as it should with everything working properly. The only thing I can think of that might have effect it would have been some extremely cold temps we had here during which our shop temp dipped pretty low also at night. Not sure if that would make a difference since cold temps are usually not detrimental to electronics, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. Anyway, thanks for the response…I guess we’ll see what happens from here.

Larry Phillips
K & L Machine and Automotive

Feel free to come on back and update us! With the extreme cold, I would be curious how the CMOS battery behaves in the cold. For instance, with this last cold snap, my front door bell ‘died’ until it rose above 0 again. And we know that a dead CMOS will generally prevent proper booting. Anyways, keep an eye on it, and report back!

Hey Sam…thanks for being on top of this. I really do appreciate all you guys at Tormach. Your customer service is absolutely second to none. It was much warmer today in the shop and the 8L started up like a champ…I’m thinking that you may be correct about what was going on with the CMOS battery. I’m still going to keep a close eye on it, but I think maybe we can chalk this one up to global warming :laughing::joy::rofl: Hope you have a great rest of the week and if anything comes up I’ll let you know. Thanks again!!!

Larry Phillips
K & L Machine and Automotive

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Hey Sam,
Pretty sure that we are going to have to address this problem with a service request. I’ve had this problem twice again and it does seem to be temperature dependent. Here in North Carolina it doesn’t get extremely cold usually. The first time it happened though it was extremely cold for our area. Both recent times it wasn’t terribly cold but as soon as I turned on my shop heater and got a little bit of heat in the shop it booted up. I’m mentioning all this in case you know of anything else I can do on my end to alleviate this situation. I took a couple of videos of how it acted before when it wouldn’t boot up and also I e after I cycled the power after the shop had warmed up a bit. I’m going to try to link those here also.

I actually have a job I’m running right now that I’m hoping I can baby it through before making any repairs if necessary.

Larry Phillips
K & L Machine and Automotive