I have a home built router. I installed path pilot on it and have it all working, but the pc thinks it’s running a 440, so travel limits in the program are small. How do I go in admin and change x,y, and z limits to actual bed size?
My question is more specific now. If I enter admin mode, I can find the row labeled change x limit. I know to type in the actual valve or travel in inches, but what do you type to make it same the value? Tab, enter, etc? What is the specific key punches to make the value stick?
I edit the appropriate .ini files. in AXIS_0, AXIS_1 and AXIS_2 sections. Look for MAX_LIMIT for X and Y, for Z change the MIN_LIMIT (a negative number for that one). That applies for my case where I have a gantry-type mill/router. The files are located in ~/tmc/configs/tormach_mill, yours would be the tormach_440_7i92_specific.ini file.
Use vi or nano as editor. If/when you update you will need to make the smae changes again. There are ADMIN commands available from the MDI but I don’t know if they are sticky across reboots.
(my machine mimics an 1100-3 using 7i92 interface)