Passive probe issue

I’ve just got my new 1100MX up and running but the machine is having an issue using the #50355 passive probe. It says that the probe is already tripped before it travels and it says to make sure it’s plugged in. On the ETS probe tab the only options are the active probe and the passive, but the passive is listed as P#39295. Is this an update issue or is there polarity difference between the two. I’m stumped and it’s Sunday so I can’t call Tormach.

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@Tommy_Moore would be the 39295. It’s just a kit number. So, passive should be selected.

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I have selected passive but when I tell it to probe it sets a notification that says it’s already tripped. Any idea what that means? I can’t find any setting that would change the polarity or anything like that.

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As long as you are plugged into Acc port 1, and have passive selected, that the only selections you have to be worried about. I would try manually hitting that probe tip manually, and see if you can change the status of this light.

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Thanks for your help Sam. I just wiggled the probe a few times and the light started working. I guess there was something inside blocking the contacts. All good now.

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The passive probes are normally closed, so if your probe is removed the circuit will be open and PP will think it is triggered.

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Should that light go on or off when the probe is tripped?

@Scott_Dube with a Passive Probe plugged in and selected in settings, the light will go on, when tripped.

Now is the time to dismantle and clean your probe. They get gunk build up inside and it can cause incorrect measurement. Conductive gunk causes it to open late close early and non conductive gunk can prevent closing.