Moving operator console to left side?

Has anyone ever installed the path pilot operator console on the left hand side of a 1100MX machine?

There’s a walkway in our shop that is impacted by having the console sticking out on the right hand side of the machine. Moving the location of the console would help a lot. Curious to hear if anyone has considered this.

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This is something I have given a lot of thought to. I’ve been inside of and mounted a hand full of Op Consoles and think you can do this but you will have to get creative. The biggest hurtle will be the mouse tray that sticks off of the right side. The console mounts on the left where the computer and kb tray are aligned so swapping the hardware to the other side will involve some thought and maybe a welder.
You might run into an issue with the length of the e-stop cable as well so pay attention to that before you make any major changes.

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Side note. I got pretty crafty with console on my 8L.

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How convenient - I got my 770M about a week ago. It fits my shop but space is tight. I’m in a similar situation. It would be a lot nicer to have the console arm mounted to the left side of the stand. But based on how it attaches to a thick plate welded to the right side and the built in accommodation for wire routing moving it is going to be a challenge.

Somewhere in my future, is a project to move or re-do the console and table setup.
I may end up with something that drops down from the ceiling or attaches console to the enclosure directly on the right side with a flip up table.

Very interested in what others have done.

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