More bugs with path pilot 2.12.0

Ok to start with I have a 1100 series 3. I updated from V2.10.1 it ran no problems went to V2.12.0
first problem was that in the old version I did not have to call out that the .nc file was in G56 and my machine is setup to home using the G56 with the new version of path pilot if I don’t call G56 at the start of the .nc file path pilot adds a note to the program that it is switching to the G54 coordinate system this really screws things up.

Second problem running a simple .nc file it is a spot drill and drill program the spot drill is t4 and
when I tell it to load t4 it goes to the tool table and gets the right length (3.0320) but when the program starts to run the length changes to red and it now says that the tool is 3.2215 and when it changes to the drill the length stays at 3.2215 even though the tool table has the right length of (4.5195) and it shows that it is running T6 and that is the drill

@Donald_Ryan Can you share the nc file you are running when the drill length is changing? Is that the same file that is using G56?

Wow I have not run much code on my series 3. Just some simple 4th axis stuff
I had a number of problems like this with the first PP version.
g54 could not be a trusted offset and I had to use any offset but g54.
As I remember when doing a tool change and hitting run again “no tool changer” it would jump to the last operation in the code file and run it using the offsets of the tool in the last operation.
I broke a couple tools testing to see the problem. I let Tormach know and then changed all programs to not ever use g54. This went on for couple years and pretty much had to wait for all new version that come on usb before the problem was solved.

I better test this and roll back if i see some problem.


I’m happy to point out that we recently released v2.12.1 which includes patches for most of the issues that our users brought to our attention from v2.12.0

I would encourage you to give our latest update a try and see if that resolves the issues you experienced from v2.12.0, and if you still have some concerns, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve those as well.