IMTS 2024 Preview

Here’s a preview of the 1500MX demo for IMTS 2024. We decided to run real, production parts rather than bottle openers or magnets. If you come by the booth you can take one of these home with you. The rest of the parts will get put into microARC 6s.

I took this video while proving out code. We actually made a few minor changes after this was done but you’ll have to come see it in person for that.

If you are coming to the show we have some special gifts for Tormach owners as well as a chance to share your opinions on what we are doing well and what you think we should work on.

See you there!
Tom Z


Oh sweet, I can take a 1500MX home with me? Booking a flight right now. Cool video :slight_smile:

Never been to IMTS and really thought about it this year but I’ve taken about as much time off from the day job as I can this year. Might have been there if you guys had hired me! :laughing:

Hahahaaha - the servo motor mount… but I like what you did there.