Holiday gift / A gift for my brother in law / Bottle Opener

Hey guys, so I had the idea of making a bottle opener for my brother in law.
I always wanted to make a bottle opener, but I don’t drink beer. He love beer.

Made from Ti and stabilized epoxy maple burl

Because he also like to see machining and making video, I decided to film it.

Here it is. Making a Titanium Bottle Opener - YouTube

First time filming my stuff. Open to criticism, I know the video is probably to long but it was a nice experience and i’m already working on another video. Thanks !

Edit: Can share the cad if somebody want it, i’m an open source guy


Thanks for sharing this! I absolutely love the maple burl! I have a 300 lb oak burl sitting in my garage and am planning to use it in a project with epoxy as well. This opener turned out beautifully! I am sure he will love this gift.

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