G21 metric mode prompts operator to load tools with inch diameters

While running fusion .nc programs path pilot is prompting me to load tools with imperial measurements. Just wondering if this is a path pilot issue or something in fusion360. My cad drawings, and tool libraries are all in metric and the mill is in G21 since birth.


Can you snap a picture of what you are describing? What version of Pathpilot are you on?

Thank you,

I am running path pilot V2.10.1


I played around with this and it looks like “dia” isn’t converting between inch/metric, but other values are. The diameter column is switching as expected, just not the description. I shot a note of this bug to the PP team for them to look at it.

Thank you,

Not sure if this is in the same category but my step over in conversational is bet to negative when I refresh tool.