Fusion Tool Setup 770MX Mill

So I’m setting up a 770MX Mills in Autodesk Fusion. Got the post with machine model from Autodesk. I’m trying to add tools to the database and understand how to add a tool but not sure what holders, collect, ect I have to add. Then how to add them so that it shows in simulation and measures the tool correctly in fusion. Sorry new to Tormach and Fusion. Any help would be appreciated.

There’s a bunch of ways to do it, but I made up a few generic “BT30” holders that match the geometry of the most common ER holders I use, then assign those to tools as I enter them.

Generally I’m lazy and use the flute length as the tool length in Fusion, because it won’t be shorter than that, but that can sometimes trigger collision warnings in the simulator. If it’s important I’ll go measure exactly what the tool stickout is or make a special holder if it’s in one. PathPilot stores and owns the exact tool lengths, Fusion uses them or approximations thereof for simulation.

Other people are much more rigorous about this. In a shop with more than one person or making the same parts for long periods of time, or re-running old code, you don’t want somebody sticking a cutter in a different holder with a different stickout and using the same tool # and crashing into different assumptions made when programming that tool.

You also might want to think about how you’ll assign tool numbers to tools because it’ll be harder to change later. PP allows for hundreds of tools so you can dedicate ranges to specific tools if you want (like #s 100-160 for number drills or whatever)

I got the tools and holders in i think correctly. Just not sure that I got the correct holder for drill, endmill, reamer, and c-sinks ect. used the BT30 just not sure what else I’m missing. Also need to create a post for a slant 15L PRO not in autodesk machine library. Thanks for the quick reply. Not new to programming just new to it in Fusion and this is the first time with tormach.

There’s a PP 15L lathe post for Fusion somewhere. I forgot where, but it wasn’t real hard to find. Only thing is I think the turret numbering is slightly goofy, but that could just be my machine which is serial # 1 or 2 IIRC.

@cody_bargdill Fusion 360 models for the tool holders in the BT30 Operator’s Tool Kit are attached to this post. I thought we had them on either the product page itself or on the post processor download page, but I’m not seeing that file in either location. My apologies!
Tormach-BT30-Holders.tools (3.7 KB)

Unless you are milling down past the tool flutes and down in holes close to the edge of the collet nut you dont really need to worry about the exact holder dimensions at first. Just edit one of the tool holders in the library a little larger than the ones you have. You can always enter the exact dimensions later and fusion will update the paths (regeneration of path required).

If you need to get exact you can use the probe and tool setter to measure everything. I wouldn’t do this unless If you need to get the tool holders closer than within .5mm of the work you will need to measure and model everything.

Entering all the information works if you have the same setup every time you put a new tool in a holder. The problem is that if someone else changes a broken cutter and doesn’t tell you then the model will be off and it could lead to a crash. This is why big shops have whole departments of people that set all the tools a specific way and metrology systems for measuring everything systematically.
If I need to cut longer than the tool flutes close to the holder I always cut with a larger rougher and then put the finish tool down into the hole to make sure I have clearance.

Also when I started I tried to have number ranges that were for certain types of tools but there’s like 999 types of every tool. You got steel, carbide, coated, powder metal, diamond, flat , radiuses, uncoated 2-3 flutes for aluminum, chamfer, reduced necks, taps,…. I think that even if the tool numbering was 4 digits with an alpha character it would still be hard to fit them all in. Also it doesn’t help that the tool vendors change/update and discontinue their products constantly. But, if it was simple everyone would do it.

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Using the latest version of fusion, in manufacture, open the tool library and there should be vendor libraries on the left side, or at least a download vendor library option.

Tormach has several for different groups of machines and they include the Tormach holders. Kind of cool.

As has been said, unless you are doing crazy stuff with a more than 3 axis machine, you generally don’t need the tool holders, as they are not going to get in the way.

It could happen on a part that has a lot vertical / Z level and machining is close to tall walls.