Just like the title says, Electrical current is running through my enclosure and vise and is shocking me as I try to use it. Is there an efficient way to trouble shoot this problem?
They make short detectors that you can hook up and it can probe the machine to localize a short but I’m not sure how they work, cost or if you can use them with electronics attached. You should probably start by unplugging everything with easily accessible plugs and try to narrow it down to a motor or wire.
It has voltage present at all times not just when the x,y or z motors are energized? If you E-stop it is the voltage still there? If it is I would be more suspicious that it’s in the electrical cabinet. Have you put a volt meter on it to see what the voltage is?
Is this a new install or has it been working normally for a while before?
My off the cuff guess would be the machine is not properly grounded. Beyond that, Harold’s suggestion of unplugging everything is a good start. Then plug things back in one at a time until the voltage comes back. That’s your source.
New install vs previously working machine.
New install warranty problem. Probably easy plus tormach will have a systematic list of most probable causes compiled and ready to troubleshoot.
Previously working machine. Abrasion of wires, coolant ingress, metal chip ingress, 999 other possible common causes and 1 cause no one had ever thought could ever happen.
Just to close the loop for those of you following along at home. We at Tormach Support have been working with the customer to narrow down the cause of the issue. We’ll give you an update once we determine more, just in case someone else experiences this issue. Rest assured this does not seem to be an issue with the machine itself.
Yeah, step one is plug a plug tester in the outlet and make sure ground is grounded. Had this happen at a friend’s house (a lighting fixture was hot) and the idiot prior home owner used a plumbing ground, but was having galvanic corrosion so put a dielectric union in the pipe floating his entire ground (and plumbing grounds aren’t code anyway for just this reason). Test but verify! My other thought would be to check if any accessories in the mill are plugged into a different circuit (I stupidly did this in my x-carve setup and ended up with some ground loops)
Sorry for the lack of update! Turns out Henry here is pretty much spot on! Even though the *ground fault receptacle & outlet tester I was using was reading that the outlets in my garage were installed correctly a corroded ground was still causing leakage.
After checking the machine and finding nothing wrong, I decided to use a multi meter on every outlet again per Tormach’s recommendation. The grounded section was hot (54) instead of 0 so I had had an electrician come check it out. He had the problem fixed in less than an hour. The Tormach I’m pleased to say is running perfectly.
The previous owners of the house renovated the place quickly to flip it and I also had problems with plumbing. So like Henry said, test but verify!