Circular Move exceeding x axis

I keep getting a message that a circular move will exceed my x axis negative limit by -0.0149. It’s telling me to reference the machine or check that the gcode doesn’t travel outside the machine limits. I’ve checked the travel, the part is only 1" x 8" and lives well within the travel limits of the table. Any suggestions?

@Mark_Bradley Remember, that just because the part fits within the travel limits, does not mean the tool path does. I would check lead in’s and lead out’s in your program if brought in from CAM. Also, somewhat obviously, make sure your work offset is set in the intended location!

Greetings Sam,
You are correct, my WCS was out. This brings me to another question, I use Fusion 360 and have had this issue before where for no apparent reason, Fusion will very rarely flip my x axis in a setup. It took me a while to recognize this and once corrected, the issue was resolved. Am I the only one that has had this happen?

I’ve also had Fusion occasionally reset its WCS when editing a model after creating operations, even if the changes shouldn’t affect that.

Don’t trust fusion it is nuttier than squirrel shi*. Every week I find another bug. It gets the job done but only if you check every step twice.

I’ve been self taught on Fusion for the last 3 years and it’s been my experience/frustration that Fusion will do as I ask sometimes, but not all. Strangely, it will deny me in certain aspects of what I may be asking it to do, and in an episode of insanity, it will suddenly “do” what I’m asking it to do with nothing else changing except the number of times I’ve asked it to do my bidding. As an example, sometimes just changing a tool from a ball nose to a bullnose will generate a tool path. I’m at my wit’s end with this software, wish I could afford something more consistent and/or predictable.

A lot of fusions problems seem to come from adding the tool radius+ tolerance + leads+ tolerance + smoothing+ tolerance- tools radius + tolerance when it’s trying to get into spaces. Yesterday I couldn’t get a 8mm flat end mill into an 11 mm hole by ramping. Only plunge or predrill. It’s a never ending battle and it’s different every day and every time.

Greetings Roy,
Are you affiliated with USPSA by chance?

I’m waiting for the translation.