Arc ignition failures until disabling arc-ok check

Hi all-

We’ve been getting arc ignition failures with our 1300PL; we replaced the consumables, insured the piece was properly grounded, etc. Out of sheer desperation to get the machine going I disabled Enable Arc-Ok Check on the Settings panel and magically everything started working.

Is there something on the machine itself I should be investigating as to why the arc-ok check is failing, and what exactly is its purpose insofar as with it disabled, the job ran fine.

Thanks for any info!


As a follow-up, what I assumed was a hack that was masking a problem does, in fact, seem to be masking a problem, in that the machine never gets an arc established now, regardless of that setting. I’m concerned there could be some issue with the Hypertherm itself (ground clamp is on, air pressure is good), so dunno what could be the trouble. :thinking:

@Ron_Olson I would throw in a support ticket on this, so we can dig a little deeper on this one. Jira Service Management

Okay, I’ll open a ticket.