A long project

ive had my 440 for awhile now this is a project that sort of showcases why i love my tormach .

so i am not a business , i do not make money with my mill . it goes to say that i do not have unlimited funds to spend . i work with a limited amount of tools . this entire project will be done with what tools and scrap metal i have on hand .

there will be near 40 parts on completion . all parts except 2 will be made on my 440 .

starting with the part everything else will be built out from , a screw .
it also happens to be the first of the two parts made on a manual lathe .


a second part to go with that screw


end caps , a hostage is about to be taken

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we need screws to hold those end caps , why not look good while clamping . 4-40 square head .

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a wrench , my lunch for a wrench …

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its not a horse of course , its a mount

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a knob , for twisting things

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some studly good looks

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sure it looks like something now … still a lots pieces to go yet


Really nice…REALLY NICE ! Project. Thanks for posting it 40 parts when finnished …MMMMMM

OK well I counted about nine so far…plesae keep posting as things progress.

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Bow sight? Probably far off, but it looks right… two bolt mount, target reticule on a vertical adjustment. And what looks like a stylized bow and arrow on the block…

i have to apologize , i just realized an error i made on my account and its showing under the wrong name and should be stephen and not peggy . maybe someone from tormach can help me change that sometime in the future .

anhow , one detail i should mention with the exception of the very first part made on the lathe i have not measured a single part . i make everything to " fit " i do spend the extra time to square up all my stock . , an er 32 collet block can be your best friend at times .