8L threading and rethreading after a minor dia adjustment

Hello all,
On my 8L I’m using conversational to thread some m8x1.25 external threads on 1018 CR. I’ll post the code and run the thread, then measure or fit a test nut and then may need to adjust minor dia and repost and run.

1st question is will the thread start in the same thread running the newly posted program if only the minor dia is changed?

2nd question, it’s hard to not turn the spindle while measuring or fitting the test nut. If this happens is the encoder keeping track so as to keep the new program starting in the same thread also.

This is very common practice while cutting threads so I have to believe its possible but just want feedback from someone who knows.

Thank you.

Yes, a second pass will cut the same thread so you don’t have anything to worry about, even if you spin the spindle by hand.
The only ways that I know you will affect where the thread starts is by rotating the stock in the workholding or changing the lead length.

Thank you for the answer!