770M+ X axis servo fault

Ran my mill all day yesterday and it performed just fine. Started my mill up this morning to find a lovely X axis motor fault error. Of course PP won’t let me reset and reference the mill due to the fault activating the soft E-Stop as soon as the physical E-Stop is cleared and reset.

The LED on the clearpath servo is flashing red. On Clearpath’s site the solution is to “RMA” the servo when you see a RED led. I hope that doesn’t mean I need a new servo. Z and Y servos are flashing green as normal. I took the motor cover off and saw zero signs of coolant intrusion. It was clean as a whistle inside.

I’m troubleshooting now but thought I’d post here to see if there is any input I might consider. I’ll be pluging into Clearpath MSP shortly to see if that shows any clues to follow up on.

I’ll start a trouble ticket as well.



ETA photos below of MSP errors

@Reuben_James If you truly are getting a RED led, the servo will need to be replaced. The Tech team will be able to get this sorted for you.

Yeah that’s what I’m afraid of. I guess that servo is roughly 4 years old. I removed the X servo and connected it to Y servo cables and it still had the red flashing LED when the mill was turned on so the fault moved with the servo.

Norman has replied to my support ticket and looks like a new servo is in order.