A few test cuts. Cam tool path needs some work. Tried a couple different templates, one groove gave a little chatter.
Surface speed is always problematic with ball cutters in full width cuts. If you plan to do a lot of fluting, a rounded T-cutter from the side can help minimize post-finishing.
I’m guessing er tool holder. What’s the coolant concentration. Concentration looks low to me and if we collet maybe clean it up. Something looks off. Are you using uncoated carbide?
T cutter is a good idea Roy. It’s the software, two different types of contouring, one variable contour and the other used drive curves (sketch) Engage with 1st was a little wonky. The 2nd more straight forward. Last pass, both engaged, doubled back and continued the groove. One good, one not so much.
Angled grooves look good both contour methods.
Doc, Coolant is Trim E206, %5.5 percent. Quit using the synthetic, this stuff seems to leave a nice oily film, controls corrosion better. EM is older, slightly used, coated. Yes, shiny is sharper.
It’s all good, didn’t break anything!