2016 Slant Pro 15L compared to current (new) offering?

Someone relatively close to me is selling a 2016 Slant Pro 15L. It has the 8 position turret and the enclosure and relatively few running hours. I’m wondering if there have been any major changes in the design of this lathe over the intervening 8 years? At least visually, the 2016 and 2024 versions look pretty similar … but are there reasons to avoid an older machine like this in favour of a new one?

Any constructive advice is much appreciated.

I just went thru this exercise myself. I ended up buying a new one but from what I can gather the major differences are around the enclosure and more recently the door. They have been working to make it less apt to leak coolant and chips around the door. The other major improvement is from a Gen 1 to Gen 2 turret. I can’t tell you the exact dates of that change though.

These were taken within the last few hours

I think there has been a mistake. I believe that they’ve accidentally sent you my machine :wink:

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Mine is a real early 15L. It had no brake on the X axis and a serial connection to the PathPilot controller.

Looks like the second gen turret in your photo. Mine is first gen