Using my 1100mx mill in low speed range the atc has no problem with tool changes. But when in High speed mode I get
" reorient from trayin and spindle brake failure- orient drifted 18.0000" to 25.0000…
1 out of approx 5 TCs work, after 3rd error I have to reset program.
I rechecked belt tension and even lowed spindle speed way in high range down just to see, with
no change in the tool change…
The Mill is 2 months old and assembled with care, not being used hard. Running plastics on low
range for the 1st month to break it in, Just started using the high speed range in the past month.
Try running the spindle test. I think it only runs in high belt. If it passes also run it with a tool in as if it’s the problem I had this made a difference. The encoder reads at 2 places and can tell when the read point is between the 2 sensors. Mine was failing at reversing in low speed (from factory the read head was shimmed about 1mm +Z) and after a spindle replacement the shim wasn’t detected by me and the read head was sometimes out of range) this caused taping cycle to fail to reverse and break taps.
I could not find the speed test to try but did try to reset the atc settings again to no avail. So I did put
in a ticket to tormach but haven’t got any reply yet…I can hear the spindle try to locate but won’t go, If I manually turn the spindle while the atc returns the first try it sometimes will work but not always.
Well, I did the spindle test and seemed to work for the first 3 parts (4 tool chgs) but back to the same spindle orient brake error. I did clean off the encoder magnet area
and ran a rag over the sensor just to see if any plastic chips were on it, but it was clean. I wonder if the gap clearance may need to be closed due to I notice the magnet in
the encoder ring is recessed about 1.5mm deep, the gap is appox 0.35mm.
I reset and it seems to be working good, only had about 5 out of 100 tool changes fail. I looked in my manual but could not find that spec. on the clearance for the sensor?
thank you!
I had a frustrating ATC/spindle encoder error on my 1100MX years ago that turned out to be a defective toolsetter, so you might try unplugging any probes and setters as an experiment.